Life 2
Life 2 is a sustainable packaging design company. Due to a rising concern about the effects of the waste stream on the environment, companies are taking action by reducing their product’s packaging. Several methods are used in developing sustainable packaging design. Some of the most popular include: size reduction of the package, reusable packaging, reinvention of the packaging, edible packaging, recyclable packaging, and using renewable materials in the packaging.
Paper Engineering
The material used to create the paper engineered packaging is 100% recycled paper. It is then transformed into its first life, the product's packaging. Once in the consumer's possession, the packaging can reach its second life by being folded into something useful pertaining to the product. Finally, after the consumer is finished with packaging, it can attain its third life by being recycled to complete the circle.
Paper Pulp
Paper pulp packaging is made from scrap paper from the paper engineering division and recycled paper from the community. After the consumer is finished with the packaging, it can also be recycled.
Fabric is made from 100% recycled consumer plastic bottles, the first life of the material. The fabric is then printed with soy based inks and sewn into bags for product packaging creating a second life. The consumer can then repurpose these bags once the product is depleted.
Infographic Poster
Folding mailer that opens up into an infographic poster. The poster details the company and their recycling program as the user unfolds the mailer. Once open, the poster explains the company's recycling efforts, involvement in the community and facts about waste/recycling.
Introduction Landing Page
Responsive website detailing the company and their recycling program, digital version of the mailed infographic poster.
View live page here.